Navigating Talent with The Bridge Personality Test — A Scientific Background Exploration

Evi Tsokanaki
4 min readFeb 1, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of talent acquisition and team dynamics, finding the right tools to decipher the intricacies of personalities has become paramount. Are you in search of a reliable online assessment to gauge the potential of your future employees? Or perhaps, you’re on a quest for a trustworthy guide that unravels the mysteries of your existing team dynamics? Look no further. The Bridge Personality Test by TestGroup is your key to achieving both these crucial objectives.

Developed in 2006 by TestGroup in collaboration with esteemed universities worldwide, the Bridge Personality Test is an online assessment tool that stands as a testament to precision and scientific rigor. As specialists in predicting job performance through personality questionnaires and aptitude tests, TestGroup consults with organizations globally, assisting them in implementing online Bridge assessments seamlessly into their HR processes.

Why Trust TestGroup?

TestGroup isn’t just a developer; they are pioneers in the field of personality assessments. Collaborating with universities in the Netherlands and abroad, they bring a wealth of scientific expertise to the table. Specializing in predicting work behavior with personality questionnaires, career tests, and intelligence tests, TestGroup is at the forefront of providing cutting-edge solutions for organizations seeking to understand and harness the potential of their human capital.

In this article, we are going to delve into the Bridge Personality Test Scientific Background, exploring all its intricacies, the amalgamation of the Big Five and Carl Jung’s 16 Types, and what sets it apart in terms of reliability and validity in the realm of personality assessments.

The Bridge Personality Test ‘s scientific background

The Bridge Personality Test weaves together two influential personality theories — the Big Five and Carl Jung’s 16 Types. Now, you might be wondering, what on earth are these? Simply put, the Big Five breaks down personality into five main traits: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. It’s like a roadmap to your unique character. On the other hand, Carl Jung’s 16 Types add a splash of color to your personality palette. It’s not just about traits; it’s about understanding how you approach the world and make decisions.

So, how does this work? You get a set of 240 questions, each nudging you to assess yourself in a work situation. No need to panic; it’s not a test with a right or wrong answer. It’s more like a friendly chat about how you handle things at work. The questions revolve around four main groups: Directing, Output, Attitude, and Inspiration. Now, that might sound a bit formal, but trust me, it’s just a way to understand your work style.

1. The Big Five — understanding how you work

Picture the Big Five as five dimensions that make up your personality. Openness is like your window to new experiences, Conscientiousness is your organized alter ego, Extraversion is your social side, Agreeableness is all about harmony, and Neuroticism taps into how you handle stress. The Bridge Personality’s scientific validation leans heavily on the Big Five because, well, it’s like the gold standard of personality models. It’s the framework that helps predict how you might behave.

2. The 16 Types — understanding how you interact at work

Now, let’s talk about Jung’s 16 Types. It’s like your personality in Technicolor. This part is more about understanding your natural tendencies — the way you prefer to interact with the world. But here’s the catch: Jung’s reports aren’t for job hunting or predicting your behavior. They’re like a backstage pass to your personality show, meant for coaching and team development. It’s all about self-awareness and understanding how you fit into the grand human tapestry.

What to expect from The Bridge Personality Test

1. How much time does it take?

The Bridge Personality test comprises 240 thoughtfully crafted questions, designed to delve into various aspects of your personality and work style. The duration to complete the test is approximately 30 minutes. This thoughtful investment in time allows for a comprehensive exploration of your unique traits and tendencies. Remember, it’s not just a test; it’s an investment in understanding yourself better. So, find a quiet moment, grab a cup of coffee, and embark on your journey of self-discovery with The Bridge Personality.

2. How are the results presented?

Your personalized results are shown utilizing sten scores, which provide a clear numerical representation of your standing on a scale of 1 to 10. This ranking is relative to others who have undertaken the assessment. The results are often presented graphically, offering a visual representation of your strengths and areas for potential development, while each sten score is accompanied by detailed explanations, ensuring that you understand the implications of your results separating the reports for the Big Five and Jung’s 16 Types.

3. Is it reliable?

The Bridge Personality is not just a one-time affair; it’s a reliable companion, offering consistent results over time. Now validity is about accuracy, whether the test measures what it claims to. The Bridge Personality excels on that as well. Instead of throwing random questions at you, it is carefully crafted to understand your traits.

4. Can it measure truthfulness?

Yes. Thanks to its Normative-Ipsative Split Technology®. Leveraging cutting-edge AI-powered technology, The Bridge Personality dives deep into your responses, highlighting any uncertainties or attempts to give a socially favorable answer. It’s like having a virtual guide, pointing out nuances you might not even be aware of.

Key Takeaway

More than just an assessment tool, The Bridge Personality Test is a comprehensive solution designed to cater to the nuanced needs of modern businesses. Whether you’re in the throes of recruitment, aiming to welcome the right talent into your fold, or you’re a leader seeking profound insights into your existing team, this test offers a versatile and insightful approach. Ready to embark on this journey? Visit TestGroup and order your test today.



Evi Tsokanaki

Content Marketing and Blogger with an inherent interest in social media, and personal branding!