Musens — The beautiful music player
Surely you must have a story about a song that touched you. Whether it’s a concert you attended or listening to the radio or even singing in the shower. Somehow music has the power to generate a great mix of emotions, from joy to sadness. It is true that nothing impacts us in the way that sound does. That is why people put on their headphones and travel every time to a deep emotional world.
Smartphones today, due to technological development, are multi-functional devices that have changed not only the way we communicate but also the way we experience music. Optimization has made the music world eager to innovate and adapt to the demands of the recent consumer who is searching for music playing services with the best features.
But how can you choose the feature music player that fits your needs?
The answer is pretty simple. Just go for practicality and innovation. Explore Musens music player for Apple devices and begin an exciting experience. Get to know Musens from the following characteristics:
1. Unlimited music library
Musens has endless access to a variety of music, artists, and genders. You can upload your own music or even import new songs/playlists from Apple Music. This third-party music player will let you do so with simplicity and elegance.
2. Practicality
Clear sections on the homepage will help you organize your preferences. There is a different section for recently played songs, top charts, various artists, recommendations, etc. You can create your own playlists and feature them on the homepage or add new songs from Apple Music to your library.
3. Delicate design
This feature sets Musens apart from the competition. Its detailed, organized design will leave you breathless. Beautiful and dynamic animation will be on display during playback and the appearance of the vinyl record adds to its delicacy. The display is fully customizable since there is an option from 3 different background settings during playback.
4. Innovative features
Dark mode on! Yes, it’s true. The option of the dark mode alters the whole display while widgets become aligned with the new setting.
Party mode on! Feel the need to host a party? No stress. Musens gives you the opportunity to invite as many people as you want and provides access to the same playlist. They can alter the songs listed or add new ones to the queue. All participants become Djs with Musens.
Lyrics mode on! If you acquire Musixmatch you can view a song’s lyrics directly from the app.
5. Continuous updates
Constant and often updates are made to fix possible issues or develop new features. Alterations may occur to organizing and design merely to improve the music player experience. Recently added features are the lyrics mode and the gestures “play last” and “swipe”.
6. Low-cost service
All of these features don’t need a monthly membership like other music players, rather than a one-time purchase. Musens is available on the App Store for only 3,99$.
Download Musens today and get a glimpse of the best customized feature-packed music player. The stunning UI/UX design and the innovative features set Musens apart. Don’t waste another minute. Try it now!