How can SEO help you rank on Google - Algorank
Do you have a website you wish to promote on Google? You have probably heard by now that the first thing you should do for your online business is to optimize your site for SEO. But what exactly is SEO and how can a high Google ranking benefit your business? This question will be answered in this article. By the time you finish reading, you will have learned why everyone is talking about SEO and what you can do to attract traffic on your website that converts.
What is SEO
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and it’s a set of rules and practices you should follow that will increase the quality of your webpage and get you more organic traffic. Organic traffic means not paid, mainly traffic that comes from your website’s content and not through advertising. The important components of mastering these practices are first, a good understanding of your target audience, and, secondly, delivering that knowledge in such a way that it’s understandable by search engines.
Moz’s founder, Rand Fishkin, translated Mozlow’s pyramid of needs into SEO necessities. It works in the same way as Mozlow’s pyramid, with the lower stages being the most important ones and gradually moving up from there.
Why SEO is important
So why is SEO so important? Wouldn’t it be easier to throw some money on Google Ads and generate traffic to your site? The answer is, yes it might be less complicated to create an Ad, but advertising is not that widely trusted by users.
In the US only 2,8% of people click on paid google results, while SEO can bring you 20x more traffic. This means that your online business can get immense exposure, albeit set up correctly. This is where the word “optimization” comes to play. Optimizing your site according to Google’s best practices is what will get you above the competition as a trusted service provider. Google categorizes the trustworthiness of a website by giving a ranking to it. Your rank determines in which place you will appear when a user performs a search and how reliable your site is according to Google. The better your rank, the higher you appear on Google searches.
In this way, you can direct users to your website that are actually interested in your product or service. Creating a piece of content that can rank high on Google can attract engaging customers that will stay with you for the long run, contributing to your business success.
What helps your ranking
I will explain the two most important stages from Mozlow’s SEO needs pyramid, namely crawling and content. Crawling is a procedure, according to which bots search and evaluate new content on Google. Those bots scan your content and categorize it, so that every time a user searches a query, Google can provide them with the most relevant content.
By content, I mean texts, images, pdfs, and other media available on your website. Your website’s content should explain what your website is about and what a user can expect from you when landing on your services. That information should be presented in such a way that is understandable by the user, while at the same time searchable on Google search engine. For this reason, you should perform thorough keyword research to determine which keywords resonate best with your target audience and implement them in your website’s content.
Hiring a professional - Algorank
Some basic SEO you can perform by yourself even if you are not an SEO expert. However, according to your willingness to learn and/or complexity of your websites you might need help. There are many SEO agencies out there, whose quality of services varies significantly.
Making the right choice regarding an SEO agency can be quite tricky. For this reason, I would recommend you to check out the Algorank Team. Algorank is one of the fastest-growing agencies, with high-quality services on SEO in Ottawa.
Algorank is working with various clients from small businesses to big corporates and helps them rank their businesses high on Google while providing services regarding web design, app development and digital marketing. Amongst all other SEO agencies, Algorank empowers a highly skilled team of professionals, whose creativity and commitment can guarantee your business growth.
So do not waste any more time. Go to their website and arrange a call with them. If you are still having doubts, get a free website audit and take a glimpse of how their expertise can help your online business.